It's me lain down in my bed..just had an exhausted crying..really hurted and being so dissapointed becouse of the damn person and his bullshit love!
I see the grey jakarta grey as I am.
as if.., it represents my sadness..
Dark clouds...diagonal heavy rain..
A symbol for the dark side of live
It's been 30 minutes
The sky sheds its tears..n so do I
But somehow then....those scary dark clouds turn their colour into ME-JI-KU-HI-BI-NI-U..
So amazing me..!
I see a beautifull rainbow today!
I can't take my eyes of it..and again, I can see one of Allah's romantiq creature so clearly and so close by me! Allaahu Akbar! invites me to fly there and touch..
To feel how amazing being there..sorrounded by coloured dazzling water..and feel the warm sun's shining on me...and ask me to leave my sadness behind and no more being hurted!
Suddenly, I realize that Allah talks to me directly to answer my question about my sadness
I feel...Allah whispers some magical words to me: " There's always a joy and happiness after the sadness and bitterness, Acy! "
So again Cy...,Fabiayyi 'alaa irobbikuma tukadzibaan?
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